Monday, October 7, 2013

annual camp lagi -_- 2013

blog!! windunye kat awak. mesti tau kan sebab ape saya datang arini jumpa awak miss FEEL..
sebab ade story yang saya nak share dengan awak.

    pejam celik dah bulan 10 dah. lusa paper last aku. QMT.. fuhh. tak bace ape lagi. melawat miss FEEL dulu. asal? rase lepas tuh aku boleh enjoy ke? not at all..

   Annual camp is coming. If I can say so I will not anymore to see u....... not again. One day when you feel it, just feel it, the feel. noncense... -_-  I hate you the FEEL.

    Nothing can change all these things. Always there a solve. But not me who choose the way to solve it. One step closer.. and close and keep closing me. Please out of me! Why me?

    What eva you keep mumble and bla bla bla, cant change this worts thing. ohh... slightly deep.........
Maybe I'm one of these thousand million's people out there been chosen for this CRAZY things. aahh.. ok I admit it.

     Just follow the shit flow. Just prepare this body and leave the soul behind.. yeaah I don't want my soul get that worst too. like a die body moving and laughing and hahha..

           DUNGUN wait for me.. I will shot you out!!!!!

Daisypath Friendship tickers